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A member registered May 25, 2020

Recent community posts

Can anyone tell me how to get past the big plant in the woods

life saver, thx mate

how do I have Roxy let me go outside?

How do I get that option to come up?

I did all that and it still says to hang out with them. It's either a bug or I'm missing something.

My logbook says to hang out with Cassie and Alissa but idk where to go from there

How do i annoy Cassie?

That did it. Thx

(1 edit)

How do i win against Marin's teasing challenge? I keep getting caught by Pixie T_T. If that's intentional game design the please let me know.

Is Ayane supposed to disappear on me or is that a bug? Because i came back with what i needed and she's gone. 

Am I able to get into Upper Ark City yet, or is that unavailable for the time being?

Is there anything I can do with the fairies, or no?

How do I get Cassie to trust me enough to capture girls?